art portraits

Her Most Famous Painting (Big Raven) – Emily Carr

  Described as ‘Canadian Icon,’ painter Emily Carr (1871-1945) was a writer and a leading ‘Expressionist,’ whose works often carried the shades of ‘Impressionism’ and ‘Fauvism.’ She pioneered the artistic representations of Canadian native life, mostly through landscape art. Carr infused life into her art through bold and visionary displays, with accent on green and […]

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The Difference Between Photorealism and Hyperrealism

“Hyperrealism is a genre of painting (and sculpture) that resembles a high resolution photograph and is a fully-fledged school of art that evolved naturally from Pop Art, which led naturally to Photorealism. Consequently, Hyperrealism is effectively an advancement of Photorealism. However, whereas Photorealists reproduced photographs so exactly that the human eye could not distinguish between […]

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