Famous Painting

His Most Famous Painting – Nude Descending a Staircase, Number 2 – Marcel Duchamp

  Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), the most influential figure of the ‘Contemporary Art,’ was recognized for his strongly expressed contempt for the field of conventional ‘Fine Arts.’ He was in a way related to ‘Surrealist Movement,’ the descendant of ‘Cubism.’ Duchamp’s methodology and themes however, were not well received by ‘Cubists.’ This led to his inclination […]

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His Most Famous Illustration (The Peacock Skirt) – Aubrey Beardsley

English illustrator, caricaturist, and author Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (1872- 1898) was born in Brighton, Menton, France on August 21, 1872. The frontrunner of ‘Aestheticism’ and ‘Art Nouveau,’ Aubrey’s accentuation for erotic components is displayed in many of his drawings. The most daring and audacious representation could be seen in his famous illustrations Lysistrata, and Salome, especially “The Peacock Skirt.”

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(Oriental Poppies) - Georgia O'Keeffe

Her Most Famous Painting (Oriental Poppies) – Georgia O’Keeffe

  The American painter Georgia O’Keeffe (November 1887-March 1986) was a pioneering ‘Modernist.’ Her unique approach defied all the accepted norms of painting and gave a new definition to the ‘American Modern Art.’ Owing to her competence, American Art attained fame and recognition in creatively competent Europe. Flowers fascinated Georgia and they were her favorite […]

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paul klee

His Most Famous Painting – The Twittering Machine – Paul Klee

  Paul Klee (1879-1940) was a German painter of Swiss origin, who had the uncanny ability of venturing into diverse styles, ‘Cubism,’ ‘Orientalism,’ ‘Expressionism,’ and ‘Surrealism,’ yet maintaining the singularity of his art. His body of work was remarkable for its ‘dry humor’ and childish streaks, which more or less represented his personal vision of […]

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Her Most Famous Painting (Big Raven) – Emily Carr

  Described as ‘Canadian Icon,’ painter Emily Carr (1871-1945) was a writer and a leading ‘Expressionist,’ whose works often carried the shades of ‘Impressionism’ and ‘Fauvism.’ She pioneered the artistic representations of Canadian native life, mostly through landscape art. Carr infused life into her art through bold and visionary displays, with accent on green and […]

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