Art & Artists

Impressionism irish art mart

This Week in the Art World 1901: Ireland’s Artistic Legacy Unveiled

As we traverse the corridors of history, the year 1901 stands out as a milestone in the evolution of art. Ireland, along with the rest of the globe, was witnessing an artistic revolution. This article transports us to a significant week in June 1901, offering a fascinating glimpse into Ireland’s unique artistic contributions and the […]

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monochrome Irish Artmart

Unveiling Monochrome Painting: A Deep Dive into Simplicity and Its Creation

Introduction: Artistry often finds its grandeur in simplicity, and no genre of art exhibits this better than monochrome painting. Monochrome, or single-colour painting, is a powerful art technique that has influenced the art world for centuries. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the concept of monochrome painting, its significance, and how budding artists can […]

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