Interview with the Artist : Pauline Dunleavy

How do you define your artistic style, how has it evolved ?

I'm painting over 25 years. And my art has moved along with me. Today I feel I'm on top of my game. Absolutely loving each piece I work on. My oil pieces seem to be more vibrant, full of texture with a lovely transparency.

Can you walk us through your creative process?

When i set up to paint, the first thing is put some music on! I prep my canvas with 3 layers of gesso. Then while waiting to them to dry i always do a study stretch to see where my composition will bring me. I now find over the years I play with the first couple of layers when doing an abstract piece, adding pastel, charcoal and perhaps removing or editing it with acrylic before I finally settle for my oil paints. I continually add/take away bits as I go along. I have a lovely first a spray bottle too! Over the next couple of days I'll attack it with vengeance until I see the end is nearing. To know when I'm completely finished is always a worry so I walk away for at least a week, taking a photo to which I'll refer to it. In the end, I'm generally happy to put my signature on it, hoping that someone out there will love it as much as I do!

What steps do you take from the initial concept to the final product?:

I'm a great follower of taking a photo and mull over it. Also I use a mirror to continually peep through it to see how it measures up.

Are there specific environments, moods, or moments that spark your creativity most?

I live my the sea in west Clare, so I draw from thisvarea always. As a former helm on Kilrush Rnli Lifeboat I have researched every cliff from Kilrush to Loop Head.

Many artists have a particular theme or subject matter that they explore in their work. Is there a recurring theme in your art?:

When starting out i normally have an idea, except when its abstract.. However on landscape pieces I love a red shed and find myself always drawn to including them.

What artists, past or present, have inspired or influenced your work?:

My thoughts on artist vary from Matisse to our wonderful Irish artists ie John Dinan, Brenda Malley, Michael Wann to name a few

In the evolving world of art, how do you stay current with new techniques or mediums, and have you recently experimented with any?:

Over the past five years I have grown to love charcoal. This was brought about by attending a workshop with Michael Wann

Can you describe a moment in your career that you felt was a significant breakthrough or turning point for you?

As a member of Kilrush Art Group where I exhibited each year for the past 25yrs I took the plunge in 2022 and did my first solo exhibition in was a huge success. Demand for my work was real. Since then I went to the Clare Museum last year and this year I'm exhibiting in Kilnvara in June and Kilkee again in August. So I'm a busy lady.

With so many diverse art forms and expressions, how do you decide which medium or method best conveys your vision for a particular piece?:

I've tried everything in all types of medium. However I'm mostly always doing oils, charcoal and I also love encaustic.

How do you hope viewers will interpret or respond to your work?:

Hopefully favourably. I like to see a smile and a good comment. But as an artist you always know you won't please everyone. I feel thats the stakes, and artist like myself leave myself very much open to criticism. But over the years I do find the general public are so encouraging and I'm very grateful.

Do you have any upcoming exhibitions, projects, or collaborations that you can tell us about?:

June 12th- 22nd I am exhibiting in Kinvara, Co. Galway. This is a first for me to be outside my county.

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