Welcome to Caroline O'Farrell Artists Store. Discover captivating original acrylic paintings in a distinctive and impressionistic style. From vibrant floral arrangements to serene landscapes with birds in flight, each piece captures the beauty of nature's ever-changing landscapes. Let the sunsets over tranquil water lakes and colour blooms brighten your space with a touch of artistic elegance. Browse our collection and bring a piece of the natural world into your home today.



This painting boasts a lovely pastel palette reminiscent of a dreamy spring afternoon.
As the little brown bird silently flies over the blooms, in the mid summer meadow, it reminds us of the magic that surrounds us each day.
This painting is sure to bring relaxation and peace, and will help you to unwind at the end of a busy day.

My name is Caroline O’Farrell, I am a Artist working from my studio Gallery in County Longford.
I grew up on the shores of the Wild Atlantic Way in Easkey County Sligo, where I spent a lot of my childhood painting on my parents old farmhouse kitchen table.
I love interior design, gardening, and I am truly passionate about creating art.
I hope you enjoy browsing through my paintings – Caroline.

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