I hope you like my art, I so love painting them and put all my heart into them.


This is a painting of a vast landscape under a bright, expansive sky. The landscape is characterized by a mix of natural elements like trees and fields, and stretches far into the distance, giving a sense of depth and tranquility. The dominant colors are shades of green for the land and various shades of blue for the sky, which takes up a large portion of the painting, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
The overall composition and color palette is intended to capture the calmness and vastness of nature, depicting a rural or pastoral scene. The blending of colors in the sky, with its smooth gradient from darker to lighter blues, contrasts with the more detailed and textured depiction of the land below, where patches of different shades of green and hints of orange and yellow create a vibrant, yet harmonious, scene.
This painting evokes feelings of calmness, freedom, and a connection to nature, as the viewer’s eye is drawn to the horizon where the land meets the sky, suggesting infinite possibilities.

Hi, I am John from Dublin, Ireland. I grew up in the country side in Kerry in the south west of Ireland where I developed my love of nature and the sea. I now live in Dublin by the sea and always look forward to looking out the window each morning to see the colors the sea and sky are offering today. I am new to painting which I can put down to a life changing event 2 years ago. I always appreciated art but never found the time to see if I could actually paint. It is almost a full time passion now and I am learning all the time. I love painting city scapes and sea scapes. I try to bring emotion and movement to my paintings along with vibrant color.

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Within Ireland €20.00
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