A craftshop located in west Clare selling unique Irish products which includes my artwork. I source Irish and am in business almost 25yrs. I'm also represented in galleries such as The Kilbaha Gallery, Kennys Gallery, Galway and the Doorway Gallery, Dublin.


Oil on canvas, showing that the journey can be sweet when at the end there’s the sea, walk or scenery to die for.

I’m painting for over 25yrs. Living in West Clare I’m not short of scenery to put on canvas/paper.
I teach art classes in winter and spring and am delighted that my pupils love my method of putting it across.
I’m a member of the Kilrush Art Group and we meet every Fri and work towards an annual exhibition in Kilrush every year.

Shipping costs

Shipping from Ireland
Within Ireland €20.00
Outside Ireland €50.00